FWSA Angel for Victoria 7 and Genesis 3

FWSA Angel for Victoria 7 and Genesis 3

Angel is a tremendous character for Victoria 7 for use in Daz Studio four.eight and up. While she seems to be greatest with Victoria 7, her skins have been made on Genesis 3 Base UV, so you should use her even when you don’t personal Victoria 7. However, her morphs will simply not look precisely the identical.

The head for Angel is uniquely customized sculpted in Zbrush and has added dials for further particulars, and the pores and skin was created utilizing prime quality photograph references for depth and element. In addition to pictures, she additionally has hand painted particulars.

Her face is delicate and delicate and her physique is match and muscular, permitting for her to be good for your artistic wants.

Love the lighting in her promos? Great, it’s included, in addition to the render settings used.


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