Classic Biker Gear for Genesis 8 Female(s)

Classic Biker Gear for Genesis 8 Female(s)

Classic Biker Gear is an excellent multi-use set. It is finely crafted and textured to the same old BadKittehCo requirements.

This set accommodates:
Motorcycle Jacket – basic look, cropped. Note modeled in zippers!!!
Motorcycle Rider Chaps – which could be worn with denims, boy shorts or bareback.
Boy Shorts – they can be utilized as using micro-shorts or as underwear (we included textures for each).
Tight Fitting Jeans – with morphs to suit underneath the chaps.
Biker Bra – halter high model bustier.

Since these clothes are usually thought of wardrobe fundamentals – for an adventurous lady – we centered our textures on mixing and matching materials sorts and colours. Several denim and a number of other worn leather-based textures are included.

For Underwear/shorts we offered a set of overlays which can permit you to select A. Color, B. Decal Shape, C. Decal colour. With 6 supplies, 5 decals and seven Decal colours, you possibly can create 210 potential combos.

Each garment has a lot of morphs which can be utilized so as to add motion and magnificence to every garment, along with a collection of adjustment morphs to assist in becoming.

With each, Jacket and Bustier breast morphs have been had sculpted, so you aren’t counting on automated morph making.
In the identical trend, wherever morph following didn’t present passable outcomes (most FBM’s) they’ve been hand sculpted to suit.

All of our textures are excessive decision (4096×4096) and appropriate for up-close rendering. Each texture set is ready up for PBR shader, and comprise Metallic, Diffuse, Specularity, Specular Roughness, Bump and Normal maps on the minimal. We additionally use further picture maps for particular results the place wanted. Since this set is geared in the direction of excessive decision renders, photographs could have to be shriveled to make it extra appropriate for multi determine renders. Much will rely on particular person pc assets.

Pants and Chaps on this set even have particular becoming morphs for Bad KittehCo’s Exoline boots, and April Rain Undergarments Boots.

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