Modern Townhouse

Modern Townhouse

When there’s no space to go outward… go upward! The Modern Townhouse choices 4 ranges of residing areas stacked to create a tall setting up. Each stage is kind of populated and each stage accommodates a terrific view. List of rooms are:

2 bedrooms
three bogs (2 ensuite)
downstairs house (dwelling cinema/bar)
lounge/kitchen/consuming house
2 small balcony areas

There’s loads of good angles to be achieved due to the kind of construction with extra flexibility from additional choices:

-separated partitions
-correctly pivoted props
-high top quality and balanced for good effectivity

OBJ included for various use
When there’s no space to go outward… go upward! The Modern Townhouse choices 4 ranges of residing areas stacked to create a tall setting up. Each stage is kind of populated and each stage accommodates a terrific view. List of rooms are:

2 bedrooms
three bogs (2 ensuite)
downstairs house (dwelling cinema/bar)
lounge/kitchen/consuming house
2 small balcony areas

There’s loads of good angles to be achieved due to the kind of construction with extra flexibility from additional choices:

-separated partitions
-correctly pivoted props
-high top quality and balanced for good effectivity

OBJ included for various use

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